Episode 13: Fascinating Facts About Your Fruits and Veg

Fruits and vegetables come in all shapes, sizes, and colors – some more unexpected than others! Let’s explore some of the strangest and most fascinating facts about produce from around the globe.

The Orange: More Than Just Its Color

Oranges originated in China as bitter, seedy fruits before being hybridized into the juicy vitamin C bombs we love today. But why are they orange? The pigment that gives them their vibrant hue is carotene, which oranges accumulate in high levels. Before the fruit became popular, the color was just called “yellow-red.” It wasn’t until the 16th century that “orange” became the name for both fruit and color.

Purple Power: The Vibrant Dragon Carrot

Carrots were once commonly purple before the now classic orange variety was bred in the 17th century. This heirloom “dragon carrot” is making a comeback for its dynamic purple exterior and visually striking orange or yellow core. The pigment that gives it its bold color, anthocyanin, is an antioxidant with health benefits for your heart, inflammation levels, and cognitive function.

From Andes to Astronauts: The Journey of the Humble Spud

The first potatoes were small, bitter tubers domesticated in South America over 8,000 years ago. Brought to Europe in the 16th century, they were blamed for causing leprosy and other diseases. Nevertheless, potatoes eventually became a staple due to their hearty nature. During WWII, British propaganda spread the myth that carotene-rich carrots improved pilots’ night vision to conceal advances in radar technology. In 1995, NASA and the University of Wisconsin grew potatoes on the space shuttle, proving spuds could potentially be cultivated in space.

Potato varietals

Taro – Ancient Crop Turned Potential Weight Loss Superfood

A starchy root grown in Asia for over 6,000 years, taro plays a role in traditional cuisines and medicine. It also has potential modern benefits: with 6.7g of fiber per cup, taro may aid weight loss by reducing calorie intake. The root’s resistant starch could also promote fat burning. Just make sure to cook taro first to remove oxalate crystals that cause mouth irritation if consumed raw.

Cashew Seeds and Toxic Shells: The Strange Truth

Cashews have a peculiar identity crisis. We think of them as nuts, but they’re actually seeds that grow outside their fruits. Even more shocking is the toxic oil found inside cashew shells called anacardic acid. Similar to poison ivy, it can cause skin rashes and other reactions. That’s why cashews are processed carefully to remove the shells before becoming the delicious and nutritious snack we love.

Yubari Melons: The Million-Dollar Fruit

Nicknamed the “King of Fruits,” Yubari melons are cantaloupes specially cultivated in greenhouses in Japan. Perfectly round with smooth skin, they’re designed for supreme sweetness. The intensive growing method produces just one melon per vine. Yubari melons are given as lavish gifts or sold for astronomical prices – in 2019, a pair fetched a record $45,600 at auction!

In the world of produce, you should expect the unexpected. From the toxic truth about cashews to million-dollar Japanese melons, fruits and vegetables have fascinating backstories. So bite into that apple or carrot with a renewed appreciation of its rich history. The next time you’re at the grocery store, keep an eye out for unique varieties you can try. Your taste buds will thank you!

Watch the Strange Obscure Story about your fruits and vegetables at YouTube!






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