Octopus Stinkhorn mushroom

Episode 9 – The Top 10 Freakiest Fungi on Earth

Fungi are some of the most incredible organisms on the planet, playing a crucial role in ecosystems by decomposing organic material. From the largest living beings on earth, such as Armillaria Ostoyae, which spans a staggering 2,200 acres in Oregon, to the smallest, such as the Dung Cannon or Pilobus crystallinus, fungi come in all shapes and sizes.

In this video episode, we take a look at some of the most unusual and bizarre fungi on the planet, from the Devil’s Cigar found only in Texas, Oklahoma, and Japan, which emits an audible hiss as it expands, to the Bleeding Tooth Fungus found in North America, Europe, and Asia, which oozes a blood-like liquid like a scene from a horror movie.

Other strange fungi on the list include the Bamboo Mushroom, which has a veil covering the stem and cap and has been used in Chinese medicine since the 7th century and can trigger spontaneous orgasms with its smell, and the Cordyceps Militaris, a parasitic fungus that takes over the bodies of insects like ants and caterpillars and alters their behavior to promote its own growth.

Whether you’re fascinated by the unusual or just love mushrooms, this video episode is sure to capture your attention. Just remember, many mushrooms are edible, but you should only eat them if you are 110% sure they are safe for consumption.

Watch Episode 9 – The Top 10 Freakiest Fungi on Earth on Youtube now!:





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