Episode 8 – Discover REAL Underground Worlds

The idea of an underground world has captivated the imaginations of humankind for eons, from the mythical tunnels beneath Los Angeles, said to hold the coveted secrets of lizard people, to the shadows that shroud massive government-operated underground facilities in Russia that remain hidden from the public, the mysteries of what lies beneath fuel a sense of fear, awe, and curiosity in those brave enough to venture into the unknown.

In this installment of SOS, we take viewers on a journey around the world to explore some of the most fascinating underground spaces. The episode begins by exploring the metaphorical significance of the subterranean world, discussing how it represents a darker, more enigmatic side to our history that is still getting unearthed. It also touches on the dangers of an unequal society, referencing H.G. Wells’ novel “The Time Machine” and the 2019 film “The Platform.”

The episode then moves on to explore some of the incredible underground cities and tunnels that exist. Viewers are taken to RÉSO Underground City and The Paths of Toronto in Canada, Whity Umeda, Osaka’s Underground City in Japan, The Beijing Underground City in China, Coober Pedy in Australia, SubTropolis in the United States, Emperor Qin Shi Huang’s monumental funerary project in China, the ancient underground city of Derinkuyu in Turkey, and The Edinburgh Vaults in Scotland, among others.

One of the most fascinating locations explored in the episode is RÉSO Underground City and The Paths of Toronto in Canada. These massive underground networks span 62 kilometers and provide an escape from the icy claws of Canada’s punishing winters, with no fewer than 120 access points. The episode also explores the Beijing Underground City, built during the Cold War by the Chinese government to serve as a bomb shelter for its citizens in the event of a nuclear attack. Spanning an incredible 95 kilometers, the tunnels now host a variety of shops, restaurants, and entertainment venues.

The episode also touches on some myths and legends surrounding the underground world. It discusses the controversial Reptilian Agenda theory put forth by David Icke, which suggests that reptilian creatures with the power to shape-shift and control the fate of humankind inhabit underground tunnels beneath the Americas. The episode also touches on the Lizard Tunnels under Los Angeles, where mining engineer Warren Shufelt discovered an unusual structure beneath the Public Library in Los Angeles, believed to be home to the subterrestrial Lizard People of Hopi legends.

The episode provides a fascinating glimpse into the underground world and the incredible feats of human ingenuity and resourcefulness that have enabled us to thrive and survive in an underground environment. It also highlights the enigmatic and mysterious side of our history that is still waiting to be uncovered. While the episode touches on some of the myths and legends surrounding the subterranean world, it remains grounded in reality, exploring some incredible underground spaces.

Watch SOS Episode 8 – Discover REAL Underground Worlds on YouTube Now!






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